Improved study programs at an international level are of considerable importance in terms of building the international space of education of all levels. These integrated paths can be divided into multiple typologies from the point of view of the provision of training activities, of the educational centers involved, of the integration methods, and much more, also leading to the release of various types of qualifications, including "joint qualifications ”, “double titles” or “multiple titles”.
The different integration methods that concern both learning outcomes and training activities appear of great interest. The learning outcomes can be defined from scratch jointly by the educational institutions that choose to offer the training course, or they can result from a comparison and verification of the compatibility of the outcomes defined by the individual locations. Similarly, the training activities could also be offered in rotation by teachers from the various institutes of the same level, or as parallel activities carried out in the various national and foreign locations, to which the student can freely choose to join, or activities may be planned different in the various locations but complementary to each other in order to build a truly integrated training path based on the specificities of the locations, or specific activities of the various locations can be envisaged, parallel or otherwise, which can be combined appropriately in the student's curriculum.
It is difficult to place limits on these various combinations and it is important not to confuse the qualification awarded with the type of integrated path, avoiding terminological simplifications which could be reflected in a flattening of the various educational and training initiatives and/or in a harmful regulatory rigidity. It is therefore important to analyze the impact of current regulations on the design of any integrated programs in the various institutes by referring to the various types of study paths that can be established and activated.
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