

  Admin | May 31, 2024

Internationalization - Interchanges and support social projects to improve the lives of an area. Realize match-making events and activities to give to the activities concerned the opportunity to meet with foreign counterparts to submit proposals productive collaboration, technological, business.

To promote and enhance the excellence of a territory, spreading the peculiarities and also know-how through the implementation of missions of groups of companies, production districts, abroad or mission of incoming companies and foreign operators directly on the territories in which they operate. Provide expertise on how to operate in the country, through targeted education to students, individual companies and / or professionals; or through formation also in collaboration with the main universities. Realize projects to promote meetings between enterprises in different countries and provides guidance for the establishment of business partnerships and investment proposals.

The C.C.I.I.S.S. Internationalization extends its invitation to all professionals - merchants - industry - ship owners - businesses and the enlightened entrepreneurs who want to cross the national borders and promote their business globally for economic and cultural internationalization.

The C.C.I.I.S.S. it promotes university educational exchanges and even social entrepreneurship, because the members and the members will be automatically involved in initiatives and social support projects.
